Welcome to Dyson Memorial School

From the desk of Secretary

For all parents, the education of their children is of the greatest importance and selecting the right school is not an easy task…. More >>

From the desk of Principal

We extend our heartiest greetings and welcome you for enrolment of your ward. We strive to expand student’s expectation and …. More >>

Dyson Memorial School to impart education in such a way that learning becomes enjoyment for the students. The idea is a nurture the develop student in an appropriate way right from beginning up to Standard Xth when they would be able to qualify at the competitive entrance exam of state and national levels. However a few admissions will be allowed in higher classes only for extraordinary students.

  • Library Dyson Memorial School has very good library cum reading room. Students are encouraged to use the library facility do develop their reading habits. Our library has collection of over 10,000 books.
  • Games & SportsSchool has got a specious playground adequate facility for indoor as well outdoor games. Opportunities are provided to the students to participate in a variety of sporting activities and physical exercises.
  • Communication SkillStudents are encouraged to run a few classes to develop their presentation skill. Very often, essay competitions, debate, drawing, painting, music and other co curricular activities are organized in the school.
  • Educational ToursPeriodic educational tours to places of historical, cultural, and industrial importance are arranged during breaks. Our valuable environment students are taken to nearby Mohallas / Villages for social services.